Card Debt Consolidation Loan

Card Debt Consolidation Loan

  • Flexible loan tenor
  • Reduce interest expense
  • Free financial analysis to customize your loan solution

Debt Restructuring Loan is tailor-made to free you from the financial burden of credit card debt. It provides you with high loan amount to clear-up your credit card debt with a lower interest rate.

Mr. Lee and his girlfriend are both very stylish and loved to catch up with the trend. Recently, they bought a few new fashion items for the upcoming season. Not until he received his credit card statement did he realize that he owes a debt of HK$300,000. Mr. Lee had intended to borrow a short-term loan from bank to clear the debt. However, as banks have tightened the loan approval regulation, he was rejected by a few banks. Even if one of the banks is willing to offer loan, the loan amount is not sufficient to repay the debt. Luckily, a friend of Mr. Lee introduced Konew Financial Express’s Debt Restructuring Loan to him. Konew Financial Express provided Mr. Lee with a detailed payment statement which shows detailed breakdown of monthly interest and principal he has not yet paid off. Now he could finally take control of his monthly repayment situation and greatly reduce the credit card interest expenses.

You can apply for our loan service online or through our customer service hotline. Konew provides you with express application: 15 minutes for initial evaluation and cash transfer within 24 hours.